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The story of a woman pretending to be twin sisters who died every holiday, worried about the shock her grandparents would receive, was known and sparked controversy among netizens.

Influencer Annie Niu, who has 100,000 followers, posted a video of herself calling her grandparents for her latest Christmas.

It is familiar to exchange phone calls with family during the holidays, but the video caught the attention of netizens as it was viewed more than 9 million times.

That's because Annie Niu, on the phone with her grandparents, reveals that she died three years ago and that she pretended to be his twin sister. 

Netizens who saw this left accusatory comments saying, "Why are you doing this?" or posted a 'reaction video' quoting the video and leaving a video of their surprised reaction.

When the video became a hot topic, Niu posted an additional video and said, "My twin sister died of meningitis three years ago."

Meningitis is an inflammation of the thin membranes surrounding the brain. It is treatable but known to be fatal in some vulnerable groups, such as children and the elderly.

Niu said, "It is common in Asian cultures to protect the elderly from terrible news (such as a death in the family). will bring down the grandparents"

Then, he said to netizens who were cold-hearted about his actions, "I meet my sister who died every night in my dream," and "I still live thinking that I am spending half of my life with my sister."

Local netizens who saw this responded, "There are people who leave the world in shock after hearing that a family member has died. We must respect it" and "A choice for grandparents who are still alive."

On the other hand, some netizens showed mixed opinions, saying, "Even if it hurts, grandparents have the right to know" and "I want to ask what she would do if her grandparents accidentally found out that her twin sister died."

(Photo = @annie_niu TikTok)