The two young men had bought brandy and took petrol with them to go out and make a fire in the forest.

Instead, they set fire to a building that is part of Töllstorp's industrial museum.

Both men have said in questioning that it was the other who started the fire in the industrial museum.

But the evidence, including messages on social media, has shown that the slightly younger of the two men was the driver and started the fire in the industrial museum.

The man is said to have broken a window, poured gasoline and rubbing alcohol through the broken window and then set fire to the building, which is part of Töllstorp's industrial museum.

Acquitted of one charge

After that, they both reportedly left the scene.

They went to Töllstorpshallen because one of them needed to go to the toilet.

They then disposed of the flammable liquids by throwing them into a garbage can and setting it on fire.

However, both are acquitted of this charge, damage, because the district court believes that it is not clear from the investigation who set the fire.

The slightly younger of the men is sentenced to two years in prison for arson after starting the fire in the industrial museum.

The other man is sentenced to a suspended sentence for aiding and abetting arson and a hundred day fines totaling SEK 6,000.