The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDP) and the Japan Restoration Party (CDP) are planning to cooperate in next year's ordinary session of the Diet, following the previous extraordinary session of the Diet. We are planning to consider possible alternatives.

During the recent extraordinary session of the Diet, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Japan Restoration Party collaborated in dealing with the Diet.

At the party leader's meeting at the end of the session, both parties shared the recognition that certain results had been achieved, such as the enactment of a law aimed at relieving victims of the problems of the former Unification Church through revision consultations with the ruling party. We plan to continue working together in the ordinary session of the Diet next year.

As for the specifics of the collaboration, the government and the ruling parties have criticized the government and ruling parties' policy of raising taxes such as the corporate tax to make up for the lack of financial resources due to the increase in defense spending. We share the same position, and in the ordinary Diet session, we will consider alternative proposals that generate financial resources through administrative and financial reforms.

However, some local organizations of the two parties are concerned about the impact that continued cooperation, despite their differing views on the constitution and security policy, will have on the unified local elections scheduled for next spring. is also likely to be an issue for consideration.