The climate activists of the "last generation" are faced with an audience that has yet to learn how to deal with them because they have never experienced anything like it.

They are first generation viewers.

The activists recently cut down the Christmas tree in front of the Brandenburg Gate.

They drove up with a hoist, cut off a two-meter piece, broke the chain of lights and were then arrested.

The audience reacted helplessly or angry.

The activists were happy with everything because they are not concerned with the type of reaction, but with the excitement itself.

The circus is always the same.

After the action, many said it was completely pointless because the world's climate isn't helped by losing the top of a Christmas tree.

But that's also fine with the activists.

They want to disturb, annoy, provoke.

As long as there is talk that it was not Hinz or Kunz who cut down the tree, but climate activists, they see it as a success for their cause.

They then, according to the calculation, placed the topic in people's minds.

They want angry reactions

That's not wrong, but it's not complete either.

Right next to the climate they put in people's minds that protecting the environment can be something pretty annoying and stupid.

They destroy the Christmas tree in front of the Brandenburg Gate so that there are angry reactions and they sit in the police car as martyrs.

Amazingly, their opponent is not an evil industry or an evil policy, but ordinary citizens in the Christmas spirit.

One may wonder about that.

If Greenpeace people stood on the street corner and threw rotten eggs at passers-by, there would be no expectation that it would help their cause.

In the climate movement, they have a different calculation.

They don't want to be liked, they want to be a "radical flank".

The theory is that some radicals make the majority of sane activists more acceptable.

The good people from Fridays for Future then sit and talk on the talk shows.

Some make the fuss, others the salon.

The flank disrupts the whole movement

But that's exactly what doesn't work.

On the talk shows, the level-headed are constantly being asked what's going on with the radicals.

There is no other topic.

The flank disturbs not only the citizens, but the whole movement.

There is advice to ignore the actions of the "Last Generation", just switch off.

Without attention, the flank loses its meaning.

But that doesn't work.

Every society has a nerve, and eventually it gets hit.

Recently, activists in Essen misused an emergency call app and repeatedly directed the police and fire brigade to the wrong addresses, only to then say that the real emergency was climate change.

You can't ignore that.

Better to convince the sane minds in the climate movement that the “radical flank” theory is wrong.

It creates deceptive attention that ends up damaging the credibility of all activists.

It is in their interest to ensure that this generation of activists really is the last.

The radicals are damaging the cause.

That should be reason enough to disown her.