In the winter solstice season, all parts of Guizhou seized the farming season, cutting, changing pots, pruning, loosening the soil, and managing and protecting seedlings; in Hongze District, Huaian, Jiangsu, farmers were busy taking care of the greenhouses, stepping up agricultural management such as weeding and keeping out the cold for various crops; Farmers in Shijiazhuang, Hebei carry out winter management, winter planting, and winter harvest...

  "Judging from the world's major changes unseen in a century, stabilizing the basics of agriculture and maintaining the foundation of 'agriculture, rural areas and farmers' is the 'ballast stone' for responding to the situation and opening a new situation. For a big country like ours with a population of 1.4 billion , 'Sannong' is improving, and the overall situation is active."

  General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we should consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, solidly promote rural revitalization, and promote the realization of richer rural areas, happier lives, and more beautiful rural areas.

  Is this "ballast stone" for contingencies and opening new ones stable?

A set of data tells the answer——

  "Let the life of the villagers become more and more prosperous." In October this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection in Yan'an, Shaanxi, to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, implement the policies to enrich the people one by one, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

  At present, the rural industry is booming, rural construction is being promoted in an all-round way, farmers' income is steadily increasing, the results of poverty alleviation have been consolidated and expanded, and rural revitalization has taken solid steps.

  By the end of this year, a total of 1 billion mu of high-standard farmland will be built across the country to ensure a grain production capacity of more than 1 trillion catties.

  All over the country, folks celebrating a bumper harvest are brewing new struggles.

The fields of hope are sowing new expectations.

  Director System丨Qian Wei and Wang Shanshan

  Producer丨Zhang Ou

  Producer丨Xing Lai

  Editor-in-Chief丨Ning Lili

  Edit丨Cheng Yu

  Vision丨Jiang Yuhang

  Proofreading丨Yang Caiyun

  (CCTV news client)