It was reported at the government's Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy that the forecast for next year's economic growth rate in real terms was revised upward to about 1.5%. Toward the realization of this, he indicated his intention to discuss medium- to long-term economic management with experts from the beginning of the year.

The government's Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy has reported that the outlook for the growth rate of the Japanese economy for the next fiscal year (FY2023) is about 1.5% in real terms excluding price fluctuations, raising the previous forecast by 0.4 percentage points. I was.

In response, Prime Minister Kishida said, "In the midst of major changes in the domestic and international economic and social environment, such as the global economic slowdown and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, we will strive to achieve sustainable and powerful 'growth and distribution' based on public-private partnerships. It is important to expand the virtuous cycle of

On top of that, with a view to formulating next year's "Basic Policy," we will discuss medium- to long-term macroeconomic management and ways of thinking toward the realization of a "virtuous cycle of growth and distribution," as well as the socio-economic structure that should be aimed for. He showed the idea of ​​​​discussing with

In addition, at the meeting, based on the fact that expenditures will increase in the fields of defense enhancement measures, the GX policy for decarbonization, and child policy, a "roadmap" for expenditure reform was compiled. I instructed the thoroughness of expenditures.