He didn't expect this.

On Saturday, a 20-year-old young man went to Moissy-Cramayel (Seine-et-Marne) on the sidelines of an appointment made with a so-called seller on Le Bon Coin.

He then thought of buying an iPhone, spotted at a price of 800 euros on the platform.

But on the spot, not everything went as planned, reports

La République de Seine-et-Marne


The two young men were to meet in the street.

But once arrived at the meeting point, the buyer received a message from the seller inviting him to go to a nearby apartment.

This is where the victim was assaulted.

She was gassed by a tear gas canister, punched and stripped of her bag which contained the 800 euros provided for the purchase of the telephone.

Alerted, the police opened an investigation.

They quickly identified a 17-year-old suspect.

He was arrested at his home in the evening.

The agents found at his home the sum of money stolen from the victim as well as the tear gas canister.

The minor would have recognized the theft, but not the violence, in police custody.

Placed under judicial supervision, he will be the subject of educational measures.


Côtes d'Armor: He sells his car on Le Bon Coin and gets scammed, the scammer convicted

Miscellaneous facts

Finistère: A fake roofer on Le Bon Coin scams several people around Quimper

  • Ile-de-France

  • Miscellaneous Paris

  • The good corner

  • Assault

  • Police