As the national budget for next fiscal year and FY2023, which is nearing its final stage, the government has set a policy of increasing the total amount of the general account to about 114.38 trillion yen, the largest ever, against the backdrop of an increase in defense spending. I was.

The plan is to issue new government bonds of around 35.62 trillion yen in order to cover the ballooning expenditures, and the severe fiscal situation continues with more than 30% of the expenditures being borrowed.

The total amount of the general account is set at around 114.38 trillion yen, and the scale of expenditure will exceed 110 trillion yen for the first time, making it the largest ever.

Of this amount, the defense budget will be about 6.8 trillion yen, which is

about 1.4 trillion yen higher than the initial budget for this fiscal year.

Approximately 100 million yen will be calculated.

The policy is to set the amount of local allocation tax grants to be distributed to local governments at approximately 16.4 trillion yen.

On the other hand, tax revenue is expected to reach a record high of around 69.44 trillion yen.

In addition to this, non-tax income is expected, but the policy is to cover the shortfall of about 35.62 trillion yen by issuing new government bonds.

Although the amount of new government bonds to be issued as debt will be less than the initial budget for this fiscal year, the composition of relying on government bonds for more than 30% of expenditure remains unchanged, and the severe financial situation continues.