
The ruling party has proposed a plan to expand the substitute holiday system, which makes the following Monday a day off if a holiday overlaps with Saturday or Sunday.

Buddha's birthday and Christmas were mentioned first, but as the government's response is also known to be positive, it is expected to be applied from next year at the earliest.

Reporter Eom Min-jae reports.


Christmas this year overlaps with Sunday.

It's like a day off.

[Shin Young-min/Seoul Yangcheon-gu: It was a day off anyway, but since it's the weekend again, I feel like I'm losing money for some reason from the point of view of office workers...


There are a total of 15 legal holidays in Korea.

January 1 and New Year's Day, days before and after New Year's Day, Section 3.1 and Children's Day, Liberation Day, Buddha's Birthday and Christmas Day.

Among these, Lunar New Year, Chuseok holidays, Section 3.1, Children's Day, Liberation Day, National Foundation Day and Hangeul Day were subject to alternative holidays, and the people's power proposed to the government to add Buddha's Birthday and Christmas Day.

[Ho-Young Joo/President of People's Power: I think it is time for the government to consider expanding the designation of alternative holidays in consideration of boosting domestic demand, expanding the right to rest for the people, and requests from religious circles.]

In order to expand the designation of alternative holidays, the presidential decree must be amended However, the Ministry of Personnel Innovation, the responsible ministry, also responded positively, saying that it would review discussions with related ministries.

[Kim Cheol-woong/Gangseo-gu, Seoul: Office workers are actually tired, so if it is designated as a substitute holiday (additionally), efficiency will not increase a little more.] If

the enforcement ordinance is revised and applied from the new year, next year May 27, Saturday, Seokga A substitute public holiday for the birthday will be a three-day holiday on Saturdays, Sundays, and months.

(Video coverage: Lee Yong, video editing: Choi Hye-young)