Beirut -

As soon as some women reach the age of 40, they experience a series of fears, feelings of anxiety and tension due to fears of losing their beauty, as well as questions about their lives and their future.

If a woman is not psychologically ready to accept the change imposed on her by age, she may go through a crisis, but if she is well prepared for this stage, she will pass quietly to a more mature stage.

Psychologist Evelyn Marinov tells Lifehack that the midlife crisis usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 65, and its common signs appear in women with menopause, depression, dissatisfaction with the outward appearance, and loss of a sense of security.

Many women pass the stage calmly, become more reconciled with life, and prepare for the next stage in good mental health (Pixels)

Marinov explains that middle age is not a "crisis", but rather the best time for a woman to take steps to improve her life for years to come.

She pointed out that many women calmly pass the stage and become happier and more satisfied with what they have achieved, more reconciled with life and ready for the next stage in good mental health.

One of the best ways to overcome this crisis is to be kind to family, relatives and friends, to look forward to the future positively, to set new goals, and to take drastic steps to take care of the external appearance and self-esteem.

Marinov advises women to volunteer in charity and help others, and to exercise daily, because it relieves a lot of stress, pressure and depression, noting that middle age is an ideal period to follow a diet and start a new healthy habit.

But, how do women face this crisis?

Do you accept it easily?

What are the steps that should be taken to avoid the repercussions of this stage?

Al-Jazeera Net met a number of women who experienced this stage and talked about their most important concerns.

Practicing daily exercise relieves a lot of stress and pressure and prevents depression (Pixels)

I do not fear old age

Svetlana Shaheen, a woman in her fifties, loves life and work and does not face a problem with advancing age. She believes that every person goes through well-known stages of life, and he must live through them with their good and bad times.

About her own experience, she says, "Since my divorce, I have become accustomed to shouldering all responsibilities and accepting reality as it is. But I am still full of energy and vitality and work. I am not afraid of age or old age, and I thank God that I look much younger than my age, and this makes me happy and makes me feel satisfied." ".

Shaheen acknowledges that every age has its own problems, and adds that her features have not changed much, because she has taken care of her skin since she was young, and that she has performed some cosmetic injections for her cheeks, and is keen to apply nourishing creams that keep her fresh.

As for her external appearance, she does not like to exaggerate in taking care of him, because she is reconciled with herself and accepts the stages of her life with pleasure and generosity.

She concludes her speech by saying that she does not suffer from a crisis with age, and reveals her age without fear or hesitation.

Svetlana Shaheen says that she does not suffer from a crisis with age and reveals her age without fear or hesitation (Al-Jazeera)

Forty is a watershed stage in a woman's life

Julia Anton admits that the stage of forty is a watershed in a woman's life, during which she feels great changes on the physical and psychological levels.

"I noticed physical changes at the age of 45, my weight increased, my ability to work and give decreased, and I began to feel physical pains that I had not experienced before," she says.

She adds that she has been practicing sports daily and takes care of her skin and healthy food, as she takes care of her health and fears for it, noting that she takes some natural tonics.

She says that she is still beautiful in the eyes of her husband, and that he still treats her as in the past.

Julia Anton says she is still beautiful in the eyes of her husband (Al-Jazeera)

Tips for overcoming a midlife crisis

And because prevention is better than cure, it is important to prepare psychologically for the changes that you will go through at every stage of your life.

According to psychotherapist and self-development coach Lillian Safi, women begin to feel that they are in the middle of the road at the age of forty, then they enter into a state of severe depression, and they feel anxious about the future.

The ways a woman deals with herself at this stage differ according to her personality and her health, psychological and social upbringing.

Lillian Safi says - to Al-Jazeera Net - that it is noticeable for women during this period of frequent crying, mood swings, dissatisfaction with the outward appearance and the desire to change it.

Lillian Safi: The changes of this stage must be recognized and not ashamed of them, as they are natural signs associated with age (Al-Jazeera)

Safi advises women to take steps to help them get out of the crisis, including:

  • Acknowledgment of the problem, which helps in finding an appropriate way to overcome the crisis.

    Also, knowing the reasons that led to them contribute to getting rid of them permanently.

  • Trying new activities, such as traveling to new places, to get out of this crisis.

  • Make a list of new goals and everything that needs to be accomplished in the next year, in the next five years, and in the next 20 years.

    Talk to your partner about new personal goals and how they can be achieved.

  • Relax. Meditation or yoga exercises help gain a new perspective.

    Eating healthy foods also contributes to improving the general mood.

  • Do not accuse the other party of negligence, and do not criticize, for mistakes occur in all years of life.

  • Recognizing the changes that accompany this stage, and not being ashamed of them, as they are natural signs associated with this age.

The spouses must be patient and change their stereotyped lives, and each one must understand the symptoms of this stage in the other (Pixaby)

How to overcome a midlife crisis

Safi believes that many solutions can be taken to overcome the midlife crisis, the most important of which are:

  • Perform a self-assessment, pay attention to health and make it a life priority.

  • The two partners must successfully pass this stage and help each other, especially the husband who must understand the symptoms and dangers of this stage, because menopause leads to an imbalance in hormones and a feeling of depression and a loss of femininity, so he only has to support her and increase her self-confidence.

  • The spouses must be patient, renew their love, and make a change in their lifestyle, and that each one understands the symptoms of this stage in the other.

    Women and men who live a marital life saturated with love, attention, and a warm, comfortable relationship successfully pass the midlife crisis, or with the least possible damage, and cross into the future with stronger, more understanding, and safer relationships.