In the clip, Erika Hedberg Blomqvist shows her sleeping place.

The Holmängen emergency shelter is the last stop for those without a roof over their heads in Vänersborg, six small overnight rooms with an attached toilet.

But since the accommodation was built just over five years ago, it has fallen into disrepair, something that the newspaper TTELA was the first to write about.

The rooms are scrawled and cold, in the building there is also a toilet with a shower.

This is also where the municipality believes the laundry should be taken care of.

- There is a washing machine in a locked room, but we are not allowed to use it.

So we are forced to use the span, says Erika Hedberg Blomqvist.

Several crimes have occurred

The accommodation has been marked by problems.

Several crimes have occurred here, according to the municipality, it is mainly about people who applied to the place but who are not at all in need of a place.

- It's unsafe here, but I can lock myself in anyway, Erika Hedberg Blomqvist.