Regarding North Korea's announcement of its successful combustion test of a high-output solid-fuel engine, a South Korean expert said that it was the first solid-fuel ballistic missile of the ICBM = intercontinental ballistic missile class capable of attacking the mainland of the United States. I showed the view that it is part of the development of the engine.

North Korea announced on the 16th that it had successfully fired a solid fuel engine with a thrust of 140 tons on the 15th at the "Seohae Satellite Launch Site" in Dongchang-ri, northwestern part of the country.

In an interview with NHK, Shin Jong-woo, secretary general of the South Korean think-tank "National Defense and Security Forum," said that in addition to the size of the engine, the test site is deeply involved in the development of long-range ballistic missiles. He pointed out that it is part of the development of the first solid-fuel engine for ICBM-class ballistic missiles.

Regarding the aim, he pointed out, ``The thrust is stronger than liquid fuel, and the weight of the warhead can be further increased.

In addition, the 140-ton thrust is nearly twice the size of North Korea's current engines, Shin said. It's standard," he said.

On top of that, regarding the future direction of North Korea, he said, "The fact that General Secretary Kim Jong-un (Kim Jong-un) witnessed it means that the development is almost over. There is a possibility that a missile launch test at a distance will be conducted," he said.