If you find it difficult to make a decision when you have several options available to you, it may not be because you don't have confidence in yourself but because you know how to analyze and solve problems better.

Writer Enrique Zamorano says, in a report published by the Spanish newspaper El Confidencial, that hesitation includes the various details of our lives, from the simplest matters such as knowing what we will eat in the next few hours, to the most important ones such as determining the career path or whether the job you are practicing. meet your expectations.

But does the frequency become chronic?

Is it considered a distinctive personality trait?

Traits of a hesitant person

There are people who are more hesitant than others, or at least feel pressured when having to choose or make a decision, and recent research indicates that indecision has a positive side, as it has been shown to protect us from falling into persistent confirmation bias, that is, when making decisions that we are guided by only those Those who think like us or share the same beliefs as us, and thus we exclude the options that are best for us because they do not align with our initial approaches.

Instead of thinking twice, we choose what works best for us at first sight, regardless of the consequences.

It is better to go against the opinions of others and with your own ideas than to make a decision without paying much attention to the details (Pixabay)

"virtue" frequency

The writer reported that the scientists called this measure a "hesitation feature" analysis, which means that those who scored the highest weren't hesitant but simply used better judgment to reach a conclusion.

In other words, they were better able to see all sides of the problem they had to solve.

According to Professor of Social Psychology and lead author of the study Jana Maria Hanspan, "The confirmation bias is one of the most common cognitive errors, and it prevents us from analyzing rational evidence."

The study revealed that it is better to go against the opinions of others and with your own ideas than to make a decision without paying much attention to the details.

The key is not to be determined in the decision itself, but to know how to think of as many arguments as possible and make our decisions accordingly.

There are studies that show that the most intelligent people were less happy with their lives whenever they were surrounded by people (Free Peak)

What does it mean to be smart?

In a report published by the American “The Healthy” website, writer Emily DiNozzo said that a genius person is usually one who has intense intellectual skill and high scores in the IQ test, however, it is noted that these tests do not always present the full picture of the smart person. Because some of the skills associated with genius, such as creative problem-solving, are difficult to measure.

The definition of intelligence and genius may not be clear, but in general, most people would agree that intelligent people have a high level of thinking.

You may be one of the geniuses if some of the characteristics apply to you, including:

  • Do you prefer to be alone?

The author indicated that researchers from the Singapore University of Management Sciences and the London School of Economics asked 15,000 people between the ages of 18 and 28 to conduct a survey and an intelligence test.

The results showed that the smarter people were less happy with their lives the more they were surrounded by people.

  • Are you messy?

According to Dr. Arif Delphi of the Palm Beach Neuroscience Institute, creativity is a trait of all geniuses, and if you're messy, that could be a sign that you're a creative genius.

The fact that you are left-handed does not necessarily mean that you are a genius, but it may have more cognitive advantages (Shutterstock)

Parts of the body reveal how smart you are?

The mind is no longer the only element that determines the level of intelligence of people, and in a report published by "Readers Digest" in its Australian version, Ashley Lewis referred to some parts of the body that can also reveal the extent of your intelligence, including:

  • Do you have long legs?

Researchers from Brown University and Princeton University conducted a study in which they indicated that taller people may earn more money than shorter persons because they are smarter.

The researchers used government data including height, weight, intelligence, educational experience and salary for people born in the United States or the United Kingdom between 1958 and 1970.

The results of the meta-analysis showed that those who were tall as children performed significantly better on cognitive tests.

Taller people also tend to work in higher-paying jobs that require greater intelligence and more advanced verbal and numerical skills.

  • Do you use your left hand?

The fact that you are left-handed does not necessarily mean that you are a genius, but it may have more cognitive advantages.

In a small study from the University of Athens, about 100 university students and alumni, half of whom were left-handed and half right-handed, took two cognitive tests: the first involved creating a path through a set of circles as quickly as possible, and the second involved a sequence of numbers and letters.

Left-handed people performed better than the rest on both tests, indicating that they have stronger memories and are more mentally flexible.

Psychology and intelligence researchers realize that there are no differences in actual IQ between men and women (Shutterstock)

  • How do people estimate their IQs?

Although people tend to overestimate their intelligence, there is a clear disparity between women and men, as women usually underestimate their intelligence while men do the opposite.

According to a report published by the American magazine "Neuroscience News", writer David Riley said that when people are asked to estimate their level of intelligence, they usually answer that their level of intelligence is above average.

This cognitive bias is normal, healthy, and reflects a social desire for honesty, and is known as the "above-average effect."

Psychology and intelligence researchers recognize that there are no differences in actual IQ between men and women or rather, the so-called "smarter sex".

The notion that women are less intelligent than men because of their relatively smaller brains than men has been disproved thanks to the development of objective measures of intelligence assessment.