The fact that the traffic light coalition still thinks it's great even after a year is not the biggest sensation in itself.

But it remains exciting to see how she intends to live up to her claims.

If Germany, in the words of the Federal Chancellor, sees itself playing a central role in stopping Russia's imperial aggression, then its claim to leadership must not remain just traffic light talk.

Anyone who always emphasizes that he doesn't want to break away from the western convoy obviously doesn't want to lead, but to follow.

After all, Scholz has now reiterated that Germany is sticking to “nuclear sharing” within the framework of NATO, especially through the purchase of American F-35 combat aircraft.

They are also necessary to carry out the extreme order in an emergency.

Some of the procurement problems that have now been reported fall into the category of common difficulties with large armaments orders.

Some of them cannot be avoided, and some are a further reminder that there must be a "turn of the tide" with regard to procedures and permits.

With outdated weapons and cumbersome procedures, you can't even deter them, especially not a "revisionist Russia" (Scholz).

Anyone who wants to be the "main guarantor" of security in Europe must know and plan for it that it will still have to be protected after the end of the Ukraine war.