, December 5th. According to the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State Council appoints and removes state staff.

Appoint Wu Zhaohui as Vice Minister of Science and Technology; appoint Liu Zheng as Vice Minister of Civil Affairs; appoint Fu Xuyin as Vice Minister of Transport; appoint Wang Benqiang as Deputy Auditor-General of the Audit Office.

  Removal of Zhang Taolin as Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; removal of Fan Yifei as Vice President of the People's Bank of China; removal of Wang Wenbin as Deputy Auditor-General of the Audit Office; removal of Wang Anshun as Deputy Director of the Development Research Center of the State Council; removal of Zhao Zhengping Wang Jianjun was removed from the post of president of the China Association for the Elderly; Wu Zhaohui was removed from the post of president of Zhejiang University; Dou Xiankang was removed from the post of president of Wuhan University.

Screenshot of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security website