General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must promote the revitalization of rural talents, put the development of human capital in the first place, and strengthen the support of talents for rural revitalization."

  In recent years, some colleges and universities have sent students to the front line of agricultural production, explored the training mode of students in small science and technology colleges, and strengthened the support of talents for rural revitalization.

At present, more than 30 agriculture-related colleges and universities across the country have successively established more than 300 small science and technology institutes.

The teachers and students of the Science and Technology Academy work together to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into field technologies available to farmers, and improve the ability of science and technology to directly serve farming; farmers have truly become local agricultural technology experts by receiving agricultural technology training, participating in popular science activities, and improving their scientific quality. talent.

The reporter of our newspaper made an in-depth visit to the first small science and technology courtyard in Henan, Henan Yuzhou Wheat Science and Technology Academy, recorded the stories of the teachers and students of the science and technology courtyard and local farmers, and investigated how the science and technology courtyard can better serve the countryside and farmers, technology and talents How to better work together to help rural revitalization...


  Crushed straw, plowed the land, applied chemical fertilizers, and sowed wheat seeds. At the end of October this year, Wang Lei, a farmer in Kangcheng Village, Shundian Town, Yuzhou City, Henan Province, rushed to plant 16 mu of new wheat after harvesting corn.

He wandered around the field whenever he could, and replanted where the seedlings were missing and the ridges were broken...

  Wang Lei is diligent in farming. He used to think that "the fertilizer is rich and the yield is high", but it always failed: "One mu of land uses more than 100 catties of chemical fertilizers, but the benefits are not good." Wang Lei said that the investment is getting bigger and bigger, and the harvest But discounted, what should I do?

Later, according to the suggestion of the Science and Technology Academy, 50 catties of chemical fertilizers were used per mu first, and then 30 catties of topdressing fertilizers were used. "Not only did the use of chemical fertilizers be reduced, but the yield was also increased."

  The Science and Technology Academy that Wang Lei mentioned is the Henan Yuzhou Wheat Science and Technology Academy of the China Rural Professional Technology Association, which was established in 2012 led by China Agricultural University and supported by Henan Agricultural University.

Agricultural experts and students went to the fields to help farmers solve practical problems.

Wang Lei is one of the villagers who benefited.

  At present, more than 30 agriculture-related colleges and universities across the country have established more than 300 small science and technology institutes to provide farmers with all-round scientific and technological services.

At the end of July this year, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the China Association for Science and Technology issued the "Notice on Supporting the Construction of a Group of Small Science and Technology Institutes", confirming that 780 small science and technology institutes in 68 units will be supported in the construction, and promote scientific and technological forces to support agricultural production. Provide farmers with zero-distance, zero-time difference, zero-cost, zero-threshold technological services.

In Henan, radiating from Yuzhou to the whole province, 60 small science and technology institutes have been built, involving multiple industries such as wheat, peanuts, and peppers.

"If you have difficulties in farming, the Science and Technology Academy will come to help you" is a household name in the local area.

Agricultural technology training, field visits

Help farmers master practical agricultural techniques

  "As soon as they saw the harvest in the field, the students from the small science and technology institute immediately came to take samples, measure the yield, and compare the effects of fertilization. They were busier than us!" Li Wentao, a villager in Kangcheng Village, Shundian Town, Yuzhou City, looked at the field. The busy young man here couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

  Li Wentao's family originally only had 3.6 mu of land, and the grain output was low. "Go out and work for two months, and plant the land for a year", but they are reluctant to abandon the land.

In 2012, the Science and Technology Academy settled in Kangcheng Village. Liu Haikun, the first person in charge of the Science and Technology Academy and a 2011 master student at Henan Agricultural University, suggested that he transfer land and operate on a large scale.

Li Wentao's heart was moved, but his heart was also beating: "There are many people in the village and little land, and the land is scattered. Is it possible to operate on a large scale?"

  At first, Li Wentao was afraid that he would not be able to plant so many lands.

The teachers and students of the Science and Technology Academy have convened several field observation meetings, organized villagers to visit the demonstration fields of the Science and Technology Academy, and demonstrated the effects of technical integration of new varieties, soil testing and fertilization, one spray and three defenses, etc., to help farmers calculate their economic accounts.

With the support of the Science and Technology Academy, he tried to transfer 120 mu of land.

  The teachers and students of the small science and technology college assisted Li Wentao throughout the whole process and solved the technical problems in the farming process for Li Wentao.

In the first year of land transfer, Li Wentao's wheat yield per mu reached 1,237 catties, far exceeding the previous yield of 800 catties per mu.

He gained confidence in farming and expanded the contracted area to 230 mu in 2014.

  There is a lot of land, what should I plant?

A few years ago, Li Wentao only knew how to grow wheat and corn.

Later, the teachers and students of the Small Academy of Science and Technology discovered that in some years, Shundian Town was severely drought-stricken, and some plots could not be irrigated due to the terrain, resulting in a significant reduction in grain production.

Therefore, the teachers and students of the small courtyard suggested changing the traditional crop rotation method of wheat and corn, and introducing a more drought-tolerant crop - millet.

Under the suggestion of the teachers and students of the small courtyard, Li Wentao changed to plant 150 mu of millet, which not only has a higher yield, but also has a higher price than corn.

  When growing grain, how should we fertilize?

When he first contracted the land, Li Wentao heard that there was a nutrient agent that cost about 100 yuan per mu to spray, and it could increase the yield of more than 200 catties of wheat.

"The leaves of wheat that have been treated with nutrients look plump. But when I asked the experts in the small courtyard, I found out that this is just a kind of foliar fertilizer and cannot increase production." Li Wentao switched to the fertilization technology of the science and technology courtyard, and the wheat The output increased from more than 800 jin to more than 1200 jin, but the amount of fertilizer applied dropped from 120 jin to less than 100 jin.

  Not only big grain growers like Li Wentao have benefited, but also ordinary farmers who have received training from the Science and Technology Academy. The Academy has actually solved many technical problems in the field for farmers.

Fu Wen, the fourth person in charge of the Science and Technology Academy and a 2017 graduate student of Henan Agricultural University, introduced that the Academy conducts dozens of agricultural technology trainings every year, with themes including spring management of wheat and high-yield cultivation of summer corn, etc. one meter".

Up to now, Henan Yuzhou Wheat Science and Technology Academy has carried out more than 420 agricultural technology training sessions, trained more than 50,000 villagers, made more than 800 field visits, helped farmers solve more than 3,000 practical problems, and covered an area of ​​more than 5 million mu with technical guidance.

  Zhang Jihong, head of Lejun Family Farm in Yuzhou City, said that her family has 5 people and 2 mu of land.

In 2015, the transfer contracted 430 mu of land.

From adjusting the planting structure, planting wheat, corn, soybeans, and millet, to soil testing and formulating fertilization to improve crop yield and quality, to disease prevention reminders, and field visits, the Science and Technology Academy provides a full range of technical support.

Now, she has built a tofu processing factory, built a grain warehouse, and achieved wealth and income.

move the laboratory to the field

Take root in the front line and cultivate compound application-oriented talents

  How did the small scientific and technological courtyard that helps villagers farm land and solve farming problems come about?

  In Kangcheng Village, in a farmyard, Ye Youyou, a professor of Henan Agricultural University, recalled the past 10 years ago——

  In September 2012, under the mobilization of Zhang Fusuo, a doctoral supervisor and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Ye Youliang took the lead in establishing a small science and technology institute in Henan. The establishment of small scientific and technological institutes can promote the popularization of soil testing and formula fertilization technology on the one hand, and cultivate applied talents on the other hand.”

  Where is the small science and technology courtyard built?

  "Yuzhou is a typical small-scale farmers' planting area, which is very representative." Ye Youliang, who is doing a verification experiment on the effect of formula fertilizer in Kangcheng Village, saw that the local area urgently needs agricultural technology support, so he immediately rented a farmyard and opened it. The first small science and technology hospital in Henan.

  There is a two-story building in the farmyard, the downstairs is used as a dormitory, and the upper floor is used as a training room.

Due to the long-term vacancy, aging circuits, and cracked floors, they re-laid circuits and floors, found tables, chairs, beds, and purchased bedding and cooking utensils.

"Funds are tight and conditions are difficult, but the first step has finally been taken..." Ye Youyou recalled.

  The small science and technology courtyard was built, but Ye Youyou frowned, "The villagers don't approve of it, they don't believe us..."

  How to earn trust?

  Liu Haikun, a postgraduate student, took the initiative to invite Ying to visit homes with his classmates.

As soon as he arrived at the door of a villager's house, he was politely rejected.

  "We are college students in a small science and technology institute, and we provide agricultural technology services to fellow villagers for free." "Is there such a good thing? It can't be selling pesticides and fertilizers, right?"

  If the farmers don’t understand and don’t trust them, they will explain it earnestly; if there are technical problems in the field, they will follow the farmers to solve them on the spot... After unremitting efforts, the teachers and students finally won the trust of the villagers.

Through their visits, they learned that the grain output and farmers' income in Kangcheng Village are not high, but the amount of fertilizer applied to wheat is large, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is unreasonable, and there are frequent pests and diseases...

  One day more than three months later, Ye Youyou received a call from the village cadre, asking him to have dinner at home. It turned out that the leaders of 10 village groups wanted to invite teachers and students from the Science and Technology Academy to help with technical guidance.

  This is a turning point in the development of the Science and Technology Academy.

"The villagers gradually began to rely on the small courtyard from suspicion to trust," Ye Youyou said.

  Strike while the iron is hot, the Academy of Science and Technology immediately launched the "Science and Technology Market" activity, and put the promotion of agricultural technology in the market.

At the same time, we made agricultural reminder signs, built science and technology corridors and science and technology alleys, opened technical service hotlines, agricultural reminder text messages, and popular science websites, and continuously increased publicity; carried out soil testing and fertilization experiments, and invited farmers to observe and compare crop growth in the experimental fields. Provide villagers with practical farming techniques...

Go down to the fields to collect data

The direction of scientific research topics is aimed at farming problems

  "Looking for what?"

  "Electric negative pressure gauge."

  One day in late September, Hu Xueling, a master student at Henan Agricultural University, pushed aside the long corn leaves and got into the ground.

Two undergraduate students, Yang Guoyin and Shangguan Longsheng, followed closely behind with their experimental equipment.

They walked through for about 10 minutes, and found an iron pole in the cornfield, with two iron boxes hanging up and down.

Open the door of the box, read the data, inject water into the negative pressure gauge... 3 people work together to start the test.

  "The sensing part of the electric negative pressure meter is buried 0.9 to 1 meter underground, which can measure the distribution and state of water in the soil, and then integrate the nitrogen concentration in the groundwater to calculate the amount of nitrogen fertilizer loss and further improve fertilization technology." Hu Xueling said.

  Measure the chlorophyll content, and then take 3 corn plants, and 3 people return to the science and technology courtyard.

  "The plant height is 2.73 meters, the ear height is 122.6 centimeters, and the diameter is 18.48 millimeters..." Putting the corn on the ground, they measured the data and recorded it carefully.

After that, put on gloves, break the leaves, take out the knives, split the corn stalks, cut off the ears of corn...

  "Use an oven to dry and separate the leaves, stems, and ears, then crush and weigh them, and return to the laboratory to analyze and measure the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content, and record relevant data." Yang Guoyin introduced.

  Looking through more than 1,500 work logs of the Science and Technology Academy, words such as "sampling, weighing, preparing reagents, and treating sponge sheets in the ammonia volatilization device" appear frequently.

In the past 10 years, the teachers and students of Yuzhou Wheat Science and Technology Academy have successively conducted "Nitrogen fertilizer application and weed growth change test", "Sweet waxy corn special fertilizer test", "Canopy light and nitrogen matching test", "Maize drought stress test", "Strong Dozens of experiments, such as "gluten wheat lodging resistance experiment", have strongly supported local agricultural production.

  "My graduation thesis researched the relevant technical problems in the wheat planting process." Tian Peiyu, the current head of the Science and Technology Academy and a 2020 graduate student of Henan Agricultural University, said that in recent years, Henan has adjusted The wheat planting structure has been improved, and the planting area of ​​high-quality strong gluten wheat has been expanded.

However, Kangcheng Village does not plant strong wheat on a large scale. What is the reason?

Tian Peiyu focused his research on the effects of nitrogen application rate on the yield, quality and lodging resistance of wheat with different gluten types, and selected 6 wheat varieties for experiments to help farmers choose varieties.

  Tian Peiyu turned on the computer and found more than 30 papers: "Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism of Wheat Plants under Different Nitrogen Levels and the Relationship between Carbon Metabolism and Scab" "Influence"..."In recent years, the papers published by the brothers and sisters are closely related to the problems in production, and the papers are really written on the earth." Tian Peiyu said.

Integrate into agricultural production practice

Provide talent support for rural revitalization

  Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, fried bean sprouts with peppers, fried meat with fungus, three dishes plus a pot of noodles, the lunch in the science and technology courtyard is simple, but delicious...

  "When you come to the small courtyard, the first level is life. You have to learn everything by yourself, such as shopping, cooking, washing clothes, and driving a tricycle to the fields." Xu Haohui, who is studying in the science and technology courtyard, said.

  Xu Haohui is a graduate of Henan Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry College.

Last year, his father listened to Ye Youyou's lecture and decided to send his son to Yuzhou Wheat Science and Technology Academy to learn agricultural technology.

Xu Haohui said with emotion: "Learning agronomy in the field is very different from the feeling in school. Some of the knowledge I learned before was always incomprehensible. When I went to the field and solved practical problems, I really realized the meaning of it."

  The second pass is the farm work pass.

  "The imaginary life of a postgraduate student is to do experiments and write papers. Unexpectedly, I actually went to the fields to do farm work here." Fu Wen said that he learned how to collect soil and measure plant heights, adapted to rural life, and scientific research has become better. Down to earth.

  Integration into the local area is the third hurdle.

  Xu Yumeng, a 2022 graduate of Henan Agricultural University.

During his freshman and sophomore years, he used the summer vacation and National Day to go to Yuzhou Wheat Science and Technology Academy to practice and study. In his junior year, he voluntarily applied to return to his hometown and participated in the Lankao Science and Technology Academy.

In July last year, he contacted local enterprises to set up a professional planting cooperative, developed more than 700 members, transferred 2,000 mu of land, and planted silage corn and triticale.

"We promoted soil testing and formula fertilization, promoted agricultural transformation and upgrading, opened a live broadcast room to help farmers, sold agricultural and sideline products online, and helped farmers increase their income and become rich. We have done a lot." Xu Yumeng is very proud.

  Ye Youyou said that the students in the Science and Technology Academy are not only agronomists, agricultural technology propagandists, training lecturers, experimenters, but also village cadres, drivers, chefs, repairmen, and support teachers.

They participated in agricultural technology training, rural management, poverty alleviation, epidemic prevention and control, organized voluntary activities such as supporting education, respecting and loving the elderly, and became a family with the villagers.

"At the beginning, I was worried that the living conditions in the small courtyard were poor, and the students were reluctant to come. After 10 years, the students have not only persevered, but also helped farmers solve many problems, and they have also been trained."

  In March 2022, multiple departments of Henan Province jointly issued the "Notice on Carrying out Voluntary Service Activities for Rural Revitalization of Henan's 'Science and Technology Small Institutes'", and organized and mobilized more than 100 people relying on the province's existing and planned science and technology small courtyards Experts from small institutes of science and technology lead more than a thousand postgraduates, undergraduates, and technical backbones to carry out more than a hundred voluntary service activities in science and technology.

  "Teachers and students of the small science and technology college have been rooted in the countryside for a long time, and have carried out agricultural technology training and field visits, which have made up for the shortcomings of poor interaction and lack of pertinence in previous agricultural technology training." said Tian Qiuqin, chairman of the Xuchang Science and Technology Association.

  Zhang Hongyang, chairman of Henan Rural Professional Technology Association, believes that small science and technology institutes train talents through the integration of "government, industry, learning, research and application", serve agricultural production, and help rural revitalization.

Henan Science and Technology Association and Henan Agricultural University will provide special funds to support the development of small science and technology institutes.

  According to Song Andong, dean of the Graduate School of Henan Agricultural University, at present, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the China Association for Science and Technology have decided to support the construction of 29 small science and technology institutes in Henan Province, of which Henan Agricultural University is responsible for 24.

In 2022, Henan Agricultural University will recruit 48 postgraduate students for the small colleges of science and technology to ensure that each small college has new forces.

In the next step, the school will explore the interdisciplinary model of undergraduate, master and doctoral students in the Science and Technology Academy to cultivate compound application-oriented graduate students, and provide support in terms of degree points, project declarations, and graduate student enrollment indicators.

  "Henan Science and Technology Academy started in Yuzhou, trained batch after batch of scientific and technological farmers, excellent graduate students majoring in agriculture, sent a large number of outstanding talents, and provided talent support for rural revitalization." Said Jie Xiaolei, president of Henan Agricultural University.

  Our reporter Ma Yuefeng