This is reported by the Berliner Morgenpost newspaper.

According to Ferber, who is the economic spokesman for the largest European People's Party in the EP, there is great disillusionment in Europe with the course chosen by Washington.

He added that the law adopted by the United States to reduce inflation could lead to a worsening of the economic situation in Europe.

As for Lange, who is the head of the Trade Committee of the European Parliament, he advocated filing a lawsuit against the US in the World Trade Organization (WTO).

“This will let us know that US actions are clearly not compatible with WTO rules,” he concluded.

Earlier, Bloomberg reported that European Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton refused to visit the United States to attend the trade and technology summit due to ignoring Europe's problems.

Prior to this, Breton said that the European Union would be forced to retaliate against the US law "to reduce inflation", the provisions of which are contrary to the norms of the World Trade Organization.