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▲ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand answers questions from reporters

At a press conference held after the summit between New Zealand and Finland, a New Zealand journalist suddenly deleted his social media account after being criticized for asking absurd questions to the two prime ministers.

Foreign media such as CBS said at a press conference held immediately after the summit between New Zealand and Finland on the 30th, New Zealand media Newstalk ZB reporter Joey Dwyer said, "The public wonders if you met because you have similarities such as age, interests, and political background. I do,” he said.

Although the press conference was a place to explain the 'summit achievements' of each country, the reporter got off the point and focused on the 'simple meeting' between New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, a woman born in 1980, and Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, a woman born in 1985, and asked questions. it was one

The reporter then tried to continue with another question, but New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern stopped the reporter's question and started answering with a puzzled expression.

Prime Minister Ardern said, “If former US President Barack Obama and former New Zealand Prime Minister John Key had a summit, I wonder if they would have asked, ‘Did they meet because they are the same age?

Former US President Barack Obama and former New Zealand Prime Minister John Key are the same age, born in 1961, and are male politicians.

Prime Minister Ardern said, "It is true that there are many men among politicians, but that does not mean that at a summit held by a female politician, 'I just met the same gender'," he said. I beat it.

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▲ Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin (left) and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (right)

Lastly, Prime Minister Ardern continued to explain the achievements made at the summit, saying, "Through the summit, each country confirmed common interests."

In response, the local press Stuff newspaper pointed out that "the two prime ministers often suffer from sexist double standards," and "the Finnish prime minister would not have known that he would be asked such questions in New Zealand," and Radio Today FM said, "Sexism without shame." pointed out that

Immediately after the press conference, as the video containing the reporter's question spread on social media, overseas netizens criticized the reporter who asked the question, saying it was a typical sexist question that diminished the performance of female politicians. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been praised.

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▲ The reporter's deleted


Netizens responded, "The prime minister's answer must have made the reporter feel ashamed," "The attitude of kindly responding to rudeness stands out," and "It looks like it fits the facts."

The press conference video currently has more than 4 million views, and the reporter who asked his question, Joey Dwyer, has deleted both his social media and business accounts. 

(Photo = Australian Special Broadcasting Service, Yonhap News, Twitter)