In crisis situations in society, crisis organizations from municipalities are activated, but in the case of major events, the operation also needs support from voluntary crisis organizations.

- A safety point must be staffed, where citizens can come and preheat water and food.

They could also help reach our care recipients who are dependent on home care and help them, says Marcus Holmqvist.

The municipal task force (KIS) in Växjö is an organization with 25-30 members.

The exercises are held six times a year.

In the video above you can see how the volunteers practice.

"Everyone can do something"

The organization was started in 2005, when I11 was shut down and the Swedish Armed Forces handed over, among other things, tracked vehicles and all-terrain vehicles to KIS.

But the organization needs more volunteers.

- We obviously need more people who can help when that happens.

Because we never know who can help when the crisis occurs, says Marcus Holmqvist.

At each exercise, 10-15 people participate, one of them is the pensioner Lars Brolin.

- I think it is very important that everyone gets involved, everyone can't do everything, but everyone can do something, he says.