The second supplementary budget bill for this fiscal year, which includes measures to deal with rising prices, was voted on by the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors and passed with a majority of support from both the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito Party.

It will be passed and enacted at the plenary session of the House of Councilors after this.

The second supplementary budget bill for this fiscal year, with a total of approximately 28.9 trillion yen in the general account, was voted on on the afternoon of the 2nd at the Budget Committee of the House of Councilors following a closing question and answer session.

As a result, the bill was passed with a majority of votes from the Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito Party, the Democratic Party for the People, and the NHK Party.

The supplementary budget bill will be passed by a majority in favor at the plenary session of the House of Councilors to be held later, and will be enacted.

The supplementary budget proposal this time includes

measures such as ▽ reducing the burden of electricity and city gas charges for households and companies, and

▽ economic support equivalent to 100,000 yen in total for pregnancy and childbirth.

▽ A reserve of 4.74 trillion yen has been booked as a countermeasure against the new corona and high prices.