Now the Social Democrats and Moderates rule in 52 of the country's 290 municipalities.

In Stockholm County, Södertälje municipality was the first to try this after the Social Democrats and Moderates tried to form different coalitions in different directions but that did not work.

- It is a difficult parliamentary situation in the municipalities.

The Sweden Democrats have grown stronger and many parties find it difficult to relate to them, says Jenny Madestam, political scientist at the University of Defense.

This trend is evident throughout the country.

Crises require stable governance

- It depends on several reasons, war, economic crisis and crime are one, then stability is required, says Jenny Madestam.

But these parties have different ideologies, how is it possible to govern together?

- Yes, they have.

But there is a difference between national politics and the municipalities.

If it were about raising taxes then they could have problems, but otherwise it's about various community building projects at the local level and then it usually goes quite well.

Hear more in the video about whether it affects government cooperation that so many Moderates in the municipalities choose the Social Democrats instead of cooperating with or supporting the Sweden Democrats.