William Molinié, edited by Romain Rouillard 06:18, December 01, 2022

This Wednesday, the DGSI published a warning note addressed to French companies which invites them to be particularly vigilant in the face of certain particularly intrusive external audits.

It is not uncommon for companies to be coerced into disclosing information that should be kept secret.

When the regulations of certain countries end up harming the safety of the few French companies.

This Wednesday, the DGSI published a warning note which invites the latter to ensure the risks of interference linked to certain particularly intrusive external audits.

Several French companies are regularly victims of this.



- Nearly 155 companies have relocated to France, since the "France Relance" plan

And in particular an industrial group which achieves a third of its turnover in a foreign country.

In order to continue its activities there, the country's regulations require it to undergo an audit, which may amount to interference.

He is thus forced to reveal the exact composition of his products, the origin of the raw materials or the identity of the suppliers.

So much information that makes it possible to capture not only know-how but also - and this is more worrying - certain sensitive data.

No one is directly targeted

In this four-page alert note, the DGSI gives no names of victim companies and does not target any State in particular.

But between the lines, it is quite easy to understand to whom the intelligence service can turn.

The Americans are regularly accused of having used the law as a weapon of economic warfare, under the guise of applying the rules in force across the Atlantic.

The counterintelligence service therefore recommends that French companies carefully study the good repute of the audit firms selected beforehand, screen their executives and other clients and immediately contact its agents in the event of the capture of sensitive information.