, Zibo, December 1st, title: Recording the real news of mainland China, "love both sides of the strait"

  Author Lu Yan

  "These cultural relics let me intuitively feel the brilliance of Chinese civilization, but now Taiwanese textbooks have only briefly mentioned Chinese history, which is very regrettable." Recently, Cheng Yuanchang, a column producer of Taiwan Wangwang Zhongshi Culture Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd. During the filming of the Provincial Qi Cultural Museum, it said that the two sides of the strait have the same roots and are connected by blood, and one must not forget one's roots.

  "I 'landed' for the first time just after the two sides of the Taiwan Strait were opened to visit relatives. I have seen every bit of change over the years." Cheng Yuanchang said that compared with the first visit that year, Shanghai and other cities are already full of tall buildings. , the changes are earth-shaking.

"The development of the mainland is changing with each passing day. I hope to tell the people of Taiwan about the changes I have seen."

  Cheng Yuanchang once participated in the filming of the TV series "Legend of the New White Snake". During the transition from TV series to news production, he had his own wish. He wanted to show the real mainland to the people of Taiwan through video, and use news to connect both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

"News is different from TV dramas, which are not embellished. What the camera shows is the real life in mainland China."

  "Although the mainland and Taiwan are only separated by a strait, many Taiwanese people's understanding of the mainland only stays in news reports." Cheng Yuanchang believes that communication between young people on both sides of the strait is the key to "breaking the ice". Take a walk in the mainland, experience the customs of the mainland, and take a look at the real life in the mainland. This can well eliminate misunderstandings caused by information asymmetry.

"Youth from the mainland are also welcome to travel and study in Taiwan. The two sides should get to know each other through more exchanges."

  Xiao Jianhua, deputy general manager of Want Want Zhongshi Culture Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd., who travels between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait all the year round, also believes that the Taiwanese media should restore a real mainland to the local people.

  "Zhongshi Media Group owns three newspapers and two TV stations, all of which show the real mainland life to Taiwanese people all year round." Xiao Jianhua said that he hopes that through news reports, people on both sides of the strait can better understand each other and avoid misunderstandings due to information barriers.

Many Taiwanese people who have never been to the mainland or do not know much about the mainland have a vague understanding of the mainland, and may even have misunderstandings.

For example, "there is no door to the restrooms in the mainland", "mainlanders can't afford tea eggs", etc., which reflect the lack of communication between the two sides of the strait from the side.

"We are committed to showing the customs and customs of various parts of the mainland, and let the people of Taiwan know how prosperous the mainland is now through the news."

  "I'm used to going out without a wallet now. All the 'roadside stalls' in the mainland can use mobile payment." Xiao Jianhua said that in the mainland, you can use a mobile phone without hindrance. Here mobile payment, online shopping and other Internet applications Development is worth learning from Taiwan.

  "Mainland's media integration has developed rapidly in recent years, and it is worth learning from Taiwan's media." Xiao Jianhua believes that the media needs to produce good and attractive content in order to be recognized. Media integration has further enriched the form of reporting. Constantly updated, the display of the mainland is becoming more and more realistic, and even in the future, through VR and other forms, it will be as if they are on the scene, so that Taiwanese people can better understand the mainland.

"We are also laying out the 'Metaverse', hoping to cooperate with more mainland companies in the future to improve the quality of reports and build a bridge of communication between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait."

  "Short videos have been on the rise in recent years, and we are now also making short videos of news, especially the natural scenery and special food in the mainland. The scene attracts more Taiwanese people to come to the mainland for a walk, so that people on both sides of the strait can understand each other, increase trust, and promote the concept of "cross-strait family" to take root in the hearts of the people.
