Gen Shiotani, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, who is an executive of the Liberal Democratic Party's tax system research committee, said that it would be difficult to reach a concrete conclusion by the end of the year regarding measures to secure stable financial resources to strengthen defense capabilities. .

To strengthen defense capabilities, Prime Minister Kishida has indicated that he intends to make an integrated decision at the end of the year on measures to secure financial resources in terms of both expenditures and revenues.

Regarding this, Gen Shiotani, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, who serves as the subcommittee chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party's tax system research committee, said at a meeting of the Abe faction to which he belongs, "The issue of defense spending is also a study group in the faction, and how the financial resource issue will eventually turn out. It's a focus. We need stable financial resources, but it's really difficult to settle it by the end of the year under the current circumstances."

In the Abe faction, Hagiuda, chairman of the Policy Research Council, and Seko, secretary-general of the House of Councilors, have taken a cautious stance toward securing the financial resources for increasing defense spending through the issuance of government bonds for the time being, and are cautious about proceeding with discussions on tax increases at this stage. increase.

Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Seko "I am not familiar with the financial resources of corporate tax defense expenses"

Seko, secretary-general of the House of Councilors of the Liberal Democratic Party, said at a meeting of the party's parliamentary federation calling for active fiscal spending, "There is an atmosphere of 'increasing the corporate tax as a source of funds for strengthening defense capabilities.' There is no other tax whose revenue fluctuates more from year to year than the corporate tax, and it is not suitable as a financial source for defense spending, which requires stability."

On top of that, he said, ``Now is the time to ask companies to use the profits from the weak yen for wage increases and reinvestment in Japan, but if you say, 'I will raise the corporate tax,' the company will be motivated at that moment. will be gone," he said.