Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu was "received in audience by the Holy Father last Saturday afternoon".

The cardinal himself reports it to



Becciu underlined that "it was, as always, a cordial meeting. In addition to providing him with the clarifications I deemed necessary, I expressed and renewed my absolute devotion to him. He encouraged me by renewing my invitation to continue to participate in cardinal celebrations ". 

Becciu then added: "The Holy Father has authorized me to make known" this.

Becciu family lawyers, there is no criminal association

"In relation to the news that appeared in the press and, in particular, to an investigation into a crime of association against Cardinal Angelo Becciu and other people, including Prof. Tonino Becciu and Dr. Maria Luisa Zambrano, the lawyers Paola Balducci and Ivano Lai communicate the following: no investigation into the crime of criminal conspiracy has been charged to the interested parties. Preliminary investigations conducted by the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Sassari are, however, underway". 

The lawyers of Tonino Becciu and Maria Luisa Zambrano, respectively brother and nephew of Cardinal Angelo Becciu, declared it in a note, as reported by


last Saturday.