Raising children is one of the most arduous and difficult tasks of all, and at the same time one of the most fun and exciting jobs, and we all want to raise our children to be happy and successful in life, whether it is in their studies or in their career after graduation.

But what are the best methods that we can follow in order to raise our children in a way that guarantees them success and prosperity in the future?

After decades of scientific research carried out by major universities, institutes and scientific institutions in the world, I have come up with the best ways to raise successful children, and I have provided a number of tips for mothers and fathers to create the appropriate conditions for their children to succeed in life.

Based on these studies and scientific research, we present to you a list of 7 methods that are a good starting point for parents who want to raise successful children full of vitality, activity, and enthusiasm for life, according to what was stated in a number of specialized platforms and sources based on these studies.

The best way to raise successful children is to be a warm and caring parent (Pixels)

1- Be a warm and caring parent

In 1938, Harvard University conducted a study, the first of its kind in the world, to find out the secret of raising successful people. The study tracked 268 of the university's most distinguished students, including former US President John F. Kennedy, and over the next seventy years their physical and emotional health was recorded. , and analyze their successes and failures in life.

The researchers came to one clear conclusion: a good relationship between a child and his parents is the secret to a happy and successful life.

Enjoying a childhood in which one feels accepted, cared for, and tender is one of the best predictors of adult success, well-being, and life satisfaction.

This result was not surprising, as the two scientists, "Bowlby & Ainsworth" formulated the theory of attachment in the fifties of the last century, in which they indicated that a child who receives warm care and care in his childhood can develop a secure attachment, and a child who is more likely to have He has a secure attachment to positive development and good results when he grows up in the future.

In addition, human brains are highly dependent on experience, and brain structure is shaped by daily life experiences and interactions. In this context, a child's experience with a friendly, responsive parent lays the foundation for future mental health. Happy childhood memories are a source of strength that lasts forever. The best way to raise successful children is to be a warm and compassionate parent, and keen to develop a close relationship with your children, according to Parenting for Brain platform in a recent report.

Emotional regulation the child learns by observing the parents and their emotions and emotions (Shutterstock)

2- Emotional regulation

The ability to regulate one's emotions is critical to achieving success and happiness in this world. Emotional regulation is not a skill we are born with, but it can be acquired. It is crucial that we teach our children how to control their emotions.

However, teaching emotion regulation is not limited to giving children exercises, games or instructions to apply, rather children learn self-regulation primarily by observing parents, seeing how they regulate themselves and control their impulses and emotions.

So, if we get upset and yell at our kids every time they misbehave, we can't expect our kids to stay calm when they get upset.

Therefore, to help your child succeed in life, you have to set a good example for him, and then your child will learn how to do that, according to what the “Birthing for Brain” platform mentioned in its aforementioned report.

Socially intelligent children who are able to cooperate with their peers and help others are more successful in life and work (Pixels)

3- Teach your children group skills

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and Duke University tracked more than 700 children from across the United States between the ages of entering kindergarten and age 25, and found a significant association between the social skills they learned in kindergarten and their success as adults two decades later.

This is according to what the “businessinsider” platform mentioned in a recent report.

The 20-year study showed that socially intelligent children who are able to cooperate with their peers, help others, understand their feelings, and solve problems on their own were more successful in life and work compared to other children with limited social skills.

"This study shows that helping children develop social and emotional skills is one of the most important things we can do to prepare them for a prosperous future," said Christine Schubert, program director at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which funded the research.

Successful parents allow their children to take the lead in easy or medium-difficulty tasks (Pixels)

4- Let your child take the lead

Successful parents tend to let their children take the lead on easy or medium-difficulty tasks. Excessive parental guidance can frustrate a child or make them lose focus on a task, according to a study conducted by Professor Jelena Obradovic from Stanford University.

The researchers confirmed that children whose parents intervened to give instructions often showed greater difficulty regulating their emotions later on.

The study suggests that parents should take a step back and allow their children to solve their simple problems without their interference.

"When parents allow children to take the lead in their interactions, children practice self-regulation skills and build independence in their personalities, which is very important for their future," Obradovic said.

Parents should avoid abusive sayings and words or reduce the child's self-respect (Pixels)

5- Boost your child's self-esteem

Children begin to develop a sense of themselves when they are young, when they see themselves through their parents' eyes.

Children are observant, your tone of voice, your body language and all your expressions are absorbed by your children, and your words and actions as a parent affect their self-esteem development more than anything else.

Praising small accomplishments will make them feel proud, and allowing children to do things independently will make them feel capable and strong.

By contrast, belittling their own achievements or comparing one child to another negatively will make children feel worthless.

Avoid saying words and sayings that hurt or lower your child's self-esteem. Words and comments like, “What a stupid thing to do!” or “You act more like a child than your little brother does!”, can do more harm than physical punishment.

Choose your words carefully and be merciful, and let your children know that everyone makes mistakes, and that you still love them even when you don't like their behaviour, according to KidsHealth (kidshealth.org).

Spending quality time outside the home is the most thing your child may want to have (Getty Images)

6- Make time for your children

Parents are often busy at work and do not find enough time to spend with their children, so that it becomes difficult to be together around the table for lunch or dinner, let alone spend quality time together outside the home.

But remember as a parent that there is nothing in life your child could want more than that.

Many children dream of spending quality time with their parents, and for this it becomes very important that you allocate enough time to be with them, and it will not really cost you much, so get up 10 minutes early in the morning so that you can eat breakfast with your child before he goes to school, or come home early Having dinner with the family is very important for your child's mental health.

Children who do not get the attention they want from their parents often behave badly, with the aim of getting their parents' attention.

Make a “special night” every week to be with them, and let your children help you decide how to spend this time, and find other ways to communicate, for example: put a note or something special in your child’s lunch box .. This will be a pleasant surprise for him.

Also, attending parties and social events together and sharing your children in their games are very important, things that allow you to know more about your child, and remember how happy your child will feel by doing together very small things, such as making popcorn, thermos or playing football together.

Kids who enjoy learning will be highly motivated to succeed and have fun doing it (Pixels)

7- Stop using the method of reward and punishment

There is a very common method for many parents, which is to provide rewards if their child does well in an area, or punishment if he fails or makes a mistake.

Rewards and punishment only create external motivation, which is not a good long-term solution. We may be able to force our children to study when they are young using reward and punishment, but if they do not like learning or school, they will eventually run away, or they will do badly at the very least. Estimation.

There is another more important and useful way, which is to develop and strengthen self-motivation in them and teach them the meaning of values ​​and the importance of education for their future.

For example, attending school and learning should not be about getting higher grades or outperforming your peers.

Teach them that it is about gaining knowledge and growing as a person.

And teach them to enjoy learning and acquiring new knowledge and science, and remember that children who enjoy learning will have an intrinsic drive to succeed and enjoy doing so, and therefore try to motivate your child to learn and enjoy learning.

Another example mentioned by the "verywellfamily" platform is to encourage children to help others and not to associate this value with reward or punishment, but rather teach them the meaning of self-satisfaction and happiness in helping others, as this is the real reward.

This does not mean that you should not sometimes give your child a special gift for excelling in school or doing a noble deed. Children love encouragement and gifts and thrive on parental sympathy and encouragement.

In this context, an occasional reward is a great way to show how grateful you are for the good things your child does.