Anci Hamrén, who lives in Norr in Eskilstuna, had barely made it to the street to rest the dog Milo before she heard quick footsteps behind her.

When she turned, she was staring straight into the muzzle of a gun.

- I was pissed off and started yelling at him, she says.

Anci Hamrén refused to give in even though the young man in front of her brandished a gun and demanded her bag and money.

Finally he gave up and ran away.

Alerted the police

Anci Hamrén was able to quickly alert the police, who were on the scene within a few minutes.

The incident is classified as an attempted aggravated robbery and several police patrols participated in the hunt for the perpetrator.

However, the police did not succeed in arresting any suspect and according to police spokesperson Dennis Johansson Stömberg, the case is now closed.

Hear Anci Hamrén tell about when the dog walk turned into a nightmare
