According to the gastroenterologist of the Gemotest laboratory, due to the high content of salt, vinegar, sugar and spices in homemade preparations, excessive consumption of canned vegetables is harmful to health.

A large amount of salt forms water retention, edema appears, the interlocutor of RT noted.

Also, as the specialist recalled, after salty food, a person drinks more liquid: edema worsens, the load on the kidneys increases, and they begin to work hard.

“If canned products appear on the table too often, metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, kidney pathologies appear.

This can threaten the precipitation of excreted salts in the area of ​​the renal pelvis, which provokes urolithiasis, ”the doctor added.

The increased concentration of salt in food also negatively affects the state of blood vessels, causes an increase in blood pressure, the expert warned.

In addition, pickles with vinegar or citric acid in canned foods exacerbate digestive problems.

In addition, as the doctor explained, sometimes housewives add acetylsalicylic acid tablets instead of vinegar.

Some recipes advise adding up to ten aspirin tablets to a jar of pickles, which is completely unacceptable given the side effects of this drug, Kashukh emphasized.

She also recalled that heat treatment, marinade acids and exposure to light destroy the main vitamin components of vegetables from which pickles are prepared.

“However, some of them are almost completely preserved, such as minerals such as magnesium and calcium, as well as the antioxidant from tomatoes, lycopene.

During heat treatment, its specific gravity only grows, ”added the gastroenterologist.

According to her, lycopene helps restore blood vessels and arteries damaged due to cardiovascular diseases, breaks down fats, increases the life of bone tissue cells and prevents the development of cancer.

“Therefore, canned tomatoes are even healthier than fresh ones,” she concluded.

Earlier, doctor Kashukh told how to avoid poisoning with home-made canned food.