China Overseas Chinese Network, October 26. According to a report from the American Overseas Chinese News Network, in the United States, health care, employment and the economy, crime, education, gun control and the environment are the most Asian-Americans in the upcoming midterm elections, according to a recent survey. Concerns.

  According to English-language media reports, the survey was jointly launched by Asian-American organizations such as AAPI Vote, AAPI Data, and the Asian American Society for Justice.

  According to the survey, 73 percent of Asian-American respondents are at least "sometimes" concerned about experiencing hate crimes, harassment and discrimination, and 24 percent said they are "often" concerned about these issues.

And among respondents who "often" worry about these issues, more support the Democratic nominee for the House of Representatives.

  Asian-American respondents cited health care (88%), employment and the economy (86%), crime (85%), education (82%), gun control (73%) and the environment (75%) as determining their vote The "extremely important" or "very important" question of where to go.

  On these issues, however, respondents differed in their views on the two parties.

On issues like health care, gun control, the environment, voting rights and racism, they say Democrats are doing better than Republicans.

On issues such as the economy, crime and foreign policy, respondents were even more divided on bipartisan views.

  The vast majority (59%) also said they "somewhat agree" or "strongly agree" that undocumented immigrants should have the opportunity to become legal citizens of the United States.

  Asian-American voter numbers set new records in 2016, 2018 and 2020, a trend that will continue in 2021, and the survey predicts that more Asian-American voters will turn out in the future.

  More than two-thirds of registered Asian-American voters surveyed said they planned to vote, but only about half of them received bipartisan engagement.