"The members of our community have so far asked 27 million questions - and received 100 million answers," says Philipp Graf Montgelas, Managing Director of the internet platform Gutefrage.net.

That is 10,000 new questions and 30,000 answers a day, which is a volume of data that cannot be controlled without artificial intelligence.

It automatically filters out the 5 to 10 percent of hate speech or fake news and only forwards critical cases to community management.

"70 percent of this content, which ends up with the moderators, is also rightly checked" - an accuracy that is more than sufficient for Gutefrage.net.

In addition to moderating content, Gutefrage.net also uses AI to identify trends at an early stage.

"We already saw in February that energy moves society," explains Montgelas.

So far, however, the company has only used these trends internally in order to better understand the interests of the community and to bring experts on trending topics to the platform to answer questions there.

Similar to Google, AI also helps with the prioritization of answers: An AI system calculates a quality score for each answer, which is based on the wealth of experience from answers over the past 16 years.

This would allow Gutefrage.net to “compare answers and decide whether they appear higher or lower in the ranking – in order to improve the experience on the platform.”

The episode is part of our podcast "Artificial Intelligence".

He explores the questions of what AI can do, where it is used, what it has already changed and what contribution it can make in the future.

With Peter Buxmann and Holger Schmidt, the FAZ brought two proven AI experts on board for the podcast: Both research and teach the potential of AI and its effects on the economy and work at the Technical University of Darmstadt.

Peter Buxmann holds the chair for business informatics and has been dealing with the applications of AI, digital transformation and data-based business models for many years.

His podcast partner Holger Schmidt is a digital economist, speaker and author.

His core topics are AI, platform economy and digital business models.

In each episode, the two hosts take up a new aspect of artificial intelligence, explain connections and provide precise classifications.

The episodes are around thirty minutes long and appear monthly on the first Monday.