Wilfried Devillers, edited by Romain Rouillard 06:23, October 07, 2022

This year 2022 celebrates the centenary of the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen as well as the 200 years of the decipherment of hieroglyphs by Champollion.

The opportunity for the Louvre-Lens to dedicate an exhibition to the Egyptologist, to the delight of many enthusiasts.

It's an exhibition that these ancient Egypt buffs wouldn't have missed for the world.

On the occasion of the bicentenary of the decipherment of hieroglyphs by Champollion, the Louvre-Lens is devoting an exhibition to the Egyptologist.

Europe 1 visited these enthusiasts.

This exhibition directly caught the eye of Anaïs who did not hesitate for a single second.

"We will say that I had an emotional shock during my first trip to Egypt in 97. And it's true that as soon as there is an exhibition, I rush to admire the works, the sculptures and all the explanations associated with it.

"It is magic" 

In the room of the museum devoted to hieroglyphs, Alain stops in front of an engraved stele, his gaze fascinated.

Out of the question for this retiree to miss an exhibition that touches on Egypt.

"But it's so beautiful, these hieroglyphs, these animals. There are signs that we obviously understand very well. We see an owl, we see a falcon, we see things, it looks like knives. It's magical". 



- "Imperialist practices", Egyptian archaeologists demand the return of ancient treasures

Also transported by this magic, Pauline, a visual artist, came especially from the Parisian suburbs to admire this exhibition.

Very inspired by Egypt, she chases all the events on the subject, sometimes even abroad.

"This summer I went to a museum in Copenhagen and of course I went to the Egyptian place, so I came a long way for that." 

The next stage of Pauline's pilgrimage will take her to Figeac in the Lot, to visit the house of Champollion.