Changes in sight regarding heaters and ignition times. 

The Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani, signed the decree that defines the

new time limits

for the operation of natural gas-fired air conditioning systems and the reduction of one degree of the maximum values ​​of the temperatures of the heated rooms, to be applied for the next winter season as envisaged by the Plan for the reduction of natural gas consumption.

The start-up period of the plants is

reduced by one hour a day

and the operating period of the winter season 2022-2023 is shortened by 15 days, postponing the start date by 8 days and bringing the end date forward by 7.

In the presence of particularly severe climatic situations,

the municipal authorities

, with their own motivated provision, may authorize the ignition of gas-fired heating systems even outside the periods indicated in the decree, as long as for a reduced daily duration.

Furthermore, the air temperature values ​​are reduced by

1 degree centigrade

In order to facilitate the application of the new provisions, ENEA will publish a

vademecum with the essential indications

for correctly setting the heating temperature that the condominium administrators will be able to make available to the condominiums. 


reductions have exemptions

: in particular they do not apply to buildings used as health resorts, nursery schools and nurseries, swimming pools, saunas and similar and to buildings used for industrial, craft and similar activities for which the municipal authorities have already granted exceptions to the air temperature limits, as well as to buildings that are equipped with systems powered mainly by renewable energy.