In Zimbabwe, a 34-year-old man was seriously injured after being attacked within minutes by an elephant and a crocodile.

The facts occurred last week, near Mlibizi, reports



While he was going fishing, the 30-year-old crossed paths with an elephant.

Charged by the animal, the man took refuge in a nearby river to avoid being trampled by the pachyderm.

While fleeing, in the water, he was again attacked;

this time by a crocodile.

Two limb amputee

Bitten on a leg and an arm, the man did not let it go and, in turn, attacked the crocodile.

Gathering his courage, he climbed onto the reptile and thrust his hand into the animal's mouth.

The reason: “Crocodiles have a small tongue, so they don't want anything to touch it because it hurts them.

He started to calm down when I put my hand in his mouth, ”said the victim.

Alerted by the cries, residents came to the aid of the 30-year-old, blocking the mouth of the animal with a piece of wood.

The crocodile then moved away and its victim was taken to the hospital.

Coming out alive from this nightmare, the man was still amputated with an arm and a leg, as evidenced by a tweet from the poet Obert Dube, who decided to offer him a wheelchair.


Tanzania: A man killed by an elephant in a nature reserve


Australia: Killed by a crocodile while fording a river

  • Zimbabwe

  • Crocodile

  • elephant

  • World