“I tell it like it is!

I didn’t know that this song was connected with something and was somehow forbidden!

And we sang it without any meanings, and sub-meanings, and symbols.

We just sang a Ukrainian song (we thought it was just a song that we have known for a long time), ”the girl wrote on Instagram *.

She noted that she is Ukrainian and lives in Simferopol.

Valeeva called on the public to stop writing insulting messages to her and called on her to “remain human.”

Earlier it was reported that the police in the Crimea are checking the video on which the song of Ukrainian nationalists is performed.

In the video, two women sang the song "Chervona Kalyn", which is considered, in particular, the anthem of the "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" ** and the Azov Regiment ***.

In August, a man who ordered a song in support of the Ukrainian nationalist group Azov in a cafe in Crimea was fined 50,000 rubles.

* Meta product, activity recognized as extremist, prohibited on the territory of Russia by decision of the Tverskoy Court of Moscow dated 03/21/2022.

** Organization of Ukrainian nationalists - "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (OUN-UPA) - a Ukrainian organization recognized as extremist and banned in Russia (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 11/17/2014). 

*** "Azov" - the organization was recognized as a terrorist organization by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 08/02/2022.