​China Overseas Chinese Network October 1st question: Can bank deposits be stolen?

These details are unavoidable!

  I took my bank card to withdraw money, but the password of the bank card was incorrect or even invalid.

After a meal, you find that the money in your bank card is gone?

  Recently, many Chinese Americans have encountered such a scenario-the theft of bank deposits.

  Xiaoqiao sorted out their experience from being deceived to defending their rights. I hope everyone can learn from it and be more vigilant!

Image data map: New York Grand Central Station

Received an unfamiliar bill?

  Beware of information leakage!

  In October last year, Mr. Zhang, a Chinese in New York, deposited more than 100,000 US dollars in a bank in Flushing, ready to be used as a down payment for buying a house.

  But when he went to the bank to deposit money this year, he was told that his card had been invalidated, and the bank staff told him that the PIN on the card had been changed.

This confuses Mr. Zhang, who has never done this before.

  After investigation, it was learned that someone used Mr. Zhang's personal information to apply for a bank card for a checking account by phone, and then changed the password with a fake bank card. Within 4 days, he withdrew US$36,000 until Mr. Zhang stopped when he went to the bank and found that there was a problem with the card.

  A Chinese woman in New York had a similar situation. She said that she had received a monthly credit card statement from HSBC and found that there was a card debt of several thousand dollars that had not been repaid, but she said that she had never applied for the bank. Credit card, had to call the police and then the bank investigated.

Data map: Macy's in New York

  After investigation, it was found that someone had stolen her identity information to apply for a bank credit card, and then shopped, causing her to owe a card debt innocently.

  A community source said that Flushing has been reporting stolen letters all over Flushing recently, and that a lot of personal information may have been leaked from the stolen letters.

The fraudulently applied for a new card may also be sent to the victim's address, but the suspect may calculate the date the card was mailed before going to steal the letter containing the card.

Mail a check in the mailbox?

  Beware of being stolen!

  A few days ago, a Chinese female store owner pointed out to the police that she recently applied for a liquor license for a grocery store and dropped a check with the application fee of $300 into the street mailbox along with the application form.

  However, there was no news about the liquor license application for a long time, but the bank statement showed that the check was changed to $3,700, and the bank showed that the deposit was stolen.

  After the victim reported to the police, the police suspected that the cheque had been stolen. The police have provided the victim with a report record for investigation, and called on the public to drop the letter with the cheque into the mailbox in the post office as much as possible.

Data map

Recover Stolen Deposits?

  Complain to the government!

  A Chinese woman who suffered deposit theft said that after the bank deposit was stolen, she complained to the bank to no avail, so she went to the consumer financial protection department to complain.

After she complained, the government department took the case and then transferred it to the bank, which then called the victim.

  "It is very important to file a complaint with the government, and the data must be prepared, such as the date and amount, and it must be written clearly. In this way, I want to return the stolen tens of thousands of yuan." She said.

  She said that the money stolen from the bank with the ID card can be recovered, but the money withdrawn from the ATM machine is rarely recovered.

There are two possibilities. One is that the victim took it by himself, and the other is that the thief took it. The bank cannot determine.

  In addition, professionals say that if a thief is going to start stealing money, be sure to turn off the victim's phone first.

Therefore, if the phone suddenly goes down, it may be a precursor to theft.

  Xiaoqiao also reminds everyone to pay attention to the safety of card use. If you feel that there is a security loophole in your bank card, try to close the old card and re-open a new one!

  (Source of the manuscript: WeChat official account of China Overseas Chinese Network; ID: qiaowangzhongguo; Reference materials: American "World Journal", American Overseas Chinese News Network, American "Sing Tao Daily"; Author: Xu Wenxin)