One can criticize a lot about the "synodal path" of the Catholic Church in this country: The confrontation with the causes of sexualized violence has long since become a reform project of the head rather than the members, topics are set by small

pressure groups

and championed with considerable moral pressure , Voting procedures systematically designed to the detriment of the minority.

But in the approach as well as in the result it is neither about an "abuse of abuse", as is rumored by the fundamentalist side, nor are the Catholics in Germany the ghost riders of the universal church.

Many concerns, above all an end to discrimination against women, are also echoed in the churches of the South.

One could know all this in Rome – if one wanted to.

But Francis fantasizes about a second Reformation, and the Swiss Curia Cardinal Koch draws a parallel between the blood-and-soil Christians of the Nazi era and the reform efforts of today.

But when things are that bad, one question must be allowed: Can the Pope really still accept the tens of millions of euros with which fascist-like crypto-Protestants from Germany feed him year after year with a clear conscience?

Counter-question: Has money ever stunk in the curia?