Alexis Delafontaine, edited by Ugo Pascolo 10:49 a.m., September 30, 2022

The threat of a dissolution of the National Assembly in the event of a vote of a motion of censure to counter a 49.3 of the executive in the pension file does not seem to impress the opposition.

From the Nupes to the National Rally, the horizon of a possible reshuffling of the cards in the lower house of Parliament is greeted with a smile.

A threat that did not have the desired effect.

Emmanuel Macron may have brandished a dissolution of the National Assembly in the event of a vote of a motion of censure in the pension file, that was not enough to scare the opposition, far from it.

It is even the opposite effect, since on the side of the RN and the Nupes, who intend to carry this motion in the event of 49.3, we have a smile on our faces.

"I don't take that as a threat. On the contrary, it's an opportunity," reacted Jean-Luc Mélenchon, convinced that he would come out a winner from such a maneuver by the executive.


"It is especially for the macronists that it is a threat, they may not have realized the point where the country is. People can't take it anymore, they hate them because they rely on them to fix the problems and they don't do anything about it."

The champion of La France insoumise is not the only one to hold this position, since the whole left is convinced that a dissolution would give a majority to Nupes.

And an identical story is heard on the other side of the Assembly, in the ranks of the National Rally.

On Twitter, Marine Le Pen replies "Chiche!"

to the presidential threat, while Jean-Philippe Tanguy even thinks he can do better than 89 deputies.

"We are never afraid to go back to the voters," challenges the deputy president of the RN group in the National Assembly.

And to add: "I do not see why we would lose deputies, I even think that we will gain some."

Finally, it is perhaps among the Republicans that the threat frightens the most.

This does not prevent Aurélien Pradié, candidate for the presidency of the party from tackling: “The capricious prince is the impotent prince.