Weak start for European stock exchanges: fears of recession prevail on all markets.

Piazza Affari lost 0.70%, London lost 1.25%, Paris and Frankfurt one percentage point.

The spread between Italian BTPs and German Bunds is stable at 244 basis points, but our ten-year yield rises to record levels: 4.62%.

The bund rate also increased to 2.19%.

The tension on European government bonds therefore continues.

The alarm for the situation in the Baltic Sea after the accident at the Nord Stream pipeline remains high, with the detection of four gas leaks.

Despite everything, the megawatt / hour drops slightly below 200 euros on the Amsterdam market this morning.

The euro is still very weak compared to the "super dollar": the exchange rate is 0.9668 against the greenback, always stronger than all other currencies.

The last session on Wall Street, however, was decidedly euphoric, after the Central Bank of England intervened in support of British government bonds, following a wave of sales linked to the tax choices of the Truss government.