All criteria for partial mobilization have been formulated, the head of state recalled.

“I repeat: citizens who are in the reserve are subject to conscription, and above all those who have served in the Armed Forces, have in-demand military specialties and relevant experience,” the president emphasized.

At the same time, those called up for military service must undergo additional military training.

As previously stated by the Russian Ministry of Defense, military personnel called up as part of partial mobilization, after passing coordination, will begin to carry out tasks to control and defend the liberated territories.

It is planned to call on citizens of those categories that are needed to complete tasks, including shooters, tankers, artillerymen, drivers, and driver-mechanics. 

One of the main factors is the availability of combat experience.

According to the head of the Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, “not some people who have never seen or heard anything about the army” are called up, but those who have served have a military specialty and combat experience.