Jönköping district court sentences regional politicians to 40 day fines for sexual harassment.

The convicted politician must also pay damages of SEK 5,000 to the female former party colleague.

The man is said to have pawed the woman's bottom at a conference that the party arranged during the winter of 2019. During the trial, among other things, two witnesses who allegedly saw the incident were heard.

The man himself believes that it is a misunderstanding and has always denied any crime.

Asked to leave his political assignments

The district board of the Social Democrats in Jönköping County has called on the regional politician to leave his political position.

- He is distressed.

I can only regret the whole story for everyone involved.

We naturally take the whole thing very seriously, says Carina Ödebrink, who is the district chairman of the Social Democrats in Jönköping County.