A 'bread vending machine' for low-income foreign workers has been introduced in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, known as an oil-producing and wealthy country in the Middle East, attracting attention.


Click> The third search term is 'bread vending machine' in Dubai.

This is a bread vending machine that offers hot bread without spending money when you select a type on the touch screen.

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Choose from everything from pita, the Middle Eastern meal of bread, to sandwiches.

It has been installed in 10 cities in Dubai, the capital of the United Arab Emirates.

The UAE has a population of 9.8 million, of which 90% are workers from Asia and Africa.

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Most of them do not have a good income, but they are struggling with recent inflation.

The bread vending machine was installed by a charitable foundation, and it also has a credit card reader for those who want to donate.

Netizens responded, "As expected, rich countries are different. It's nice that you can even donate.", "Please introduce it to Korea. How about a rice cake vending machine made of rice?"

(Screen source: Twitter samialreyami)