In a speech at the United Nations General Assembly, North Korea's ambassador to the United Nations criticized the United States for the joint exercises between the U.S. and South Korean forces that began on the 26th.

North Korea's Ambassador to the United Nations in New York, Kim Song, delivered a speech at the United Nations General Assembly on the 26th.

Among them, Ambassador Kim commented on the joint training with the South Korean military that has been ongoing since the 26th in the Sea of ​​Japan, where the U.S. military deployed a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. It's an act," he said, criticizing the United States.

On top of that, regarding North Korea's adoption of a law this month that stipulates the conditions for using nuclear weapons, he said, "This is the right answer to protect the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula from the hostile policies and military threats of the United States and others." Justified.

In his speech, Ambassador Kim emphasized his stance of strengthening military power, stating, "The more the United States uses military blackmail, the more our power is strengthened in direct proportion."

North Korea launched one short-range ballistic missile toward the Sea of ​​Japan on the 25th, and related countries such as the United States are increasing their vigilance, as signs of preparations for launching SLBM = submarine-launched ballistic missiles have become clear. .