An American report revealed a shift in the vision of the younger generations in the United States towards the Palestinian issue, and concluded that the younger generation has better perceptions and impressions about the issue.

The report, which was published by the "Five Thirty Eight" website, which specializes in data analysis and opinion polls, affiliated with ABC News, dealt with a number of opinion polls and statistics on American society and its interaction with the Palestinian cause in separate periods of time. .

Americans' opinions on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict have shifted, with change especially pronounced among younger Americans.

— FiveThirtyEight (@FiveThirtyEight) September 24, 2022

The report concluded that there are divergent views between the younger and previous generations, as the younger generation has better perceptions and impressions of the issue, noting that social media has played a major role in this transformation, as it changed the way everyone views events and how they receive news.

According to the report, the number of casualties in the Israeli aggression on Gaza in May 2014 affected the way the world viewed the conflict, as the self-defense narrative presented by Israel was not widely accepted.

The report indicated that the 2014 aggression was the first aggression in the era of the spread of communication sites, as crimes and attacks were documented through platforms directly, and were received by followers from all over the world without an intermediary.

According to a Pew Research Center poll conducted last March, 61% of American youth under the age of 30 have a positive view of the Palestinian people, and this percentage is more widespread among Democrats.

More Democrats than ever now support the Palestinian cause, which means Israel's days as an occupying regime are numbered!

— CJ Werleman (@cjwerleman) September 25, 2022

According to the human rights activist Ben Daniel, who heads a Jewish anti-Israel organization, the spread of human rights movements around the world played a major role in introducing young people to the issue.

Ben Daniel herself was introduced to the Palestine issue for the first time through a poster that read "Free Palestine" on the campus of the American University of California, which prompted her to research the matter and find out its roots.

This profound shift in public opinion also helps explain why @JGreenblattADL and other powerful illiberal forces are so keen to criminalize criticism of Israel/Zionism through legislation.

— Khaled Elgindy (@elgindy_) September 25, 2022

great reaction

The report received wide interaction across American platforms, as the tweeters emphasized that the communication sites provided a better definition of the issue and a greater opportunity to clarify what is happening.

Tweeters also praised the role of human rights movements and activists who are trying to publicize the issue and publish it on an ongoing basis to spread awareness among followers.

It's great to see the favorable views of Palestinians ascending among younger people.

But, the favorable views of ZIONISTS are still way too high.

— MAK (@MAK61908432) September 26, 2022

Many events were held recently in the United States against the policies of the occupation, most notably demonstrations in front of the headquarters of the companies "Amazon" (Amazon) and "Google" (Google), to denounce the participation of the two companies in the Nimbus artificial intelligence project that the occupation is working on.