A cartoon artist drawn with AI by an American artist has been approved for official copyright registration, drawing attention.


Click> The third search term is 'Manga drawn by AI'.

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New York-based artist Chris Kashtanova.

It's an 18-page cartoon titled 'Zarya of the Dawn', and it was not drawn by Kashtanova herself, but was drawn through the text image conversion AI.

On the 15th, the US Copyright Office approved the copyright for this work.

Kashtanova entered the text for the picture she wanted in the AI ​​program, and AI created it as a picture, but the copyright was registered as being owned by Kashtanova.

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This is because the United States currently does not recognize copyright ownership of AI.

The industry is paying attention to this copyright registration because AI can be used as an art creation tool.

However, there are also responses that the drawings made through AI do not create something out of nothing, but that they cannot be recognized as art because they borrow features from numerous existing paintings.

Netizens responded, "Art is from the creation of the artist AI. I'm looking forward to the future!", "Isn't art starting from the heart? It's hard for me to admit."

(Screen source: Chris Kashtanova's Instagram)