According to Vinogradov, the federal law "On Personal Data" provides for the right for any person to revoke the previously given consent to their processing.

“You can do this at any time without the need to justify your decision.

To do this, you need to submit an application for withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data in free form.

You can transfer the document to the organization in person: an application must be drawn up in two copies - on one of them, the institution will mark receipt upon receipt.

Also, papers can be sent by registered mail with notification, ”the specialist explained.

If we are talking about revoking consent to the use of personal information that a citizen gave on the website, then the application can also be sent by e-mail or through the feedback form, the source added RT.

“The main thing is to officially fix the date the operator received the request: it is from this moment that the period during which the organization must stop working with personal information will be counted.

This period is 30 days.

Within the same period, the operator must destroy or ensure the destruction of information.

It is quite simple to check the integrity and honesty of the personal data operator, and every citizen has such a right.

It is enough to send a corresponding request to the organization,” the professor emphasized.

As Vinogradov said, if no response was received or the operator did not comply with the requirement without existing legal grounds, you can file a complaint with Roskomnadzor.

At the same time, the law provides for the extension of this period if it is necessary to comply with the norms of the current legislation.

“First of all, this applies to banks that store personal information about customers for at least five years from the date of termination of the relationship.

That is, even if the client wrote a statement, his data will not be deleted and can be issued at the request of the court, the prosecutor's office and other authorized institutions, ”the expert added.

In addition, the personal data operator may continue to work with the personal information of a citizen even if the latter withdraws his consent in certain cases provided for by federal law.

For example, we are talking about courts with the participation of a citizen in legal proceedings, bailiffs in the execution of a judicial act, state bodies in the exercise of their powers.

“Thus, it is not difficult to withdraw your individual information from processing pointwise, from a specific institution - for this, the federal law provides a fairly large field of opportunity.

However, the main thing in this is to understand and remember which particular organization and when you agreed, which in modern conditions can be difficult to do, ”concluded the interlocutor of RT.

Earlier, the honored lawyer of Russia, Ivan Solovyov, told RT in an interview how to repay a housing loan in a shorter time.