
Yesterday (19th), a magnitude 7.6 earthquake occurred in Mexico.

Following 1985 and 2017, another earthquake with a magnitude greater than 7 occurred on September 19, and the details are reported by Reporter Sang-Woo Ahn.


As the building shakes, the water in the rooftop pool overflows from side to side.

A 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck the Pacific coast where the states of Michoacan and Colima meet at around 1 PM local time yesterday.

Shaking was also sensed in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, close to 500 km away.

[It really doesn't make sense.

It happened three times...


In the earthquake, a fence at a shopping center in Manzanillo, Colima, collapsed, killing one person, and in Colmoman, Michoacan, some buildings including a hospital collapsed.

[Sylvia Beltran / Local Resident: No matter how prepared we are for an earthquake, when an earthquake strikes, we feel the fear that weighs on us.]

In Mexico, earthquakes occurred on the same day in 1985 and 2017.

In 1985, a magnitude 8 earthquake killed more than 9,500 people, and in 2017, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake killed 360 people, including one Korean citizen.

To commemorate the victims and prevent further damage, we have held an earthquake evacuation drill every year on the same day, but this time, within an hour after the drill was over, another earthquake occurred, and fortunately, we were able to avoid significant casualties.

[Karen Hernandez/Local resident: Fortunately, we have been training for earthquake preparedness in time for today's date.

The earth is warning that an earthquake will occur on the same day every year here.]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that there has been no known damage to Koreans so far.

(Video Edit: Hojin Kim)

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