In Rödäng, the Social Democrats increased from 38 to 44 percent, in Carlshem Östra from 25 to 36. In the center, the Social Democrats received 36 percent of the votes, in villages and outlying areas 37 percent.

- We have made broad successes in many electoral districts, says Mikael Berglund (S), chairman of the Umeå building committee and the party's election analyst in Umeå.

40 people who knocked on doors in the evenings

One explanation for the success is the massive investment in door knocking.

- Some evenings we have had 30-40 people who have been out knocking on doors, that kind of thing gives results.

However, we have not invested so heavily in advertising and social media.

On the Internet, you can easily drown in all the videos.

The success and election victory largely depend on that, says Mikael Berglund (S).

The left party has lost two mandates and the center two - this may be where some voters come from.

The Social Democrats now continue to govern Umeå, probably with the help of the Green Party, as they have done for the past four years.

Raised in middle class areas

S has also grown strongly in several middle-class areas in Umeå.

Investments in building homes and schools are appreciated by many, says Berglund.

- Obviously, our policy has received a lot of support even among the middle class in Umeå.

At Tomtebo, we have increased from 27 to 38 percent, although it is not only villas and condominiums there, says Mikael Berglund (S).