A mass grave where many residents are believed to have been killed and buried has been confirmed in Izyum, a key stronghold in eastern Kharkiv Oblast that Ukraine has liberated from Russian forces.

President Zelensky accused Russia of being the world's largest source of terrorism, and U.S. Secretary of State Brinken emphasized the stance of pursuing Russia's war crimes. Criticism is growing.

In Ukraine, where Russia continues to invade, the Ukrainian army continues to reverse offensive in the eastern and southern parts of Ukraine, and almost all of the eastern Kharkiv province has been liberated from the Russian army.

Of these, in Izyum, an important base in Kharkiv province, a mass grave where many people were believed to have been killed and buried has been confirmed, and the authorities have begun an investigation.

On the 16th, the head of the local prosecutor's office, who is directing the investigation on the ground, told reporters including NHK, "Multiple bodies were found with nooses wrapped around their necks and their hands tied, and they were tortured. It is believed that they were buried. There is a possibility that more than 500 citizens were buried in this place alone."

“The world should see what the Russian army left behind. Children and adults were tortured, killed and buried. It is the source," he said, blaming Russia.

At a press conference on the 16th, U.S. Secretary of State Brinken said, "It is extremely important to make it clear that those who committed these atrocities and those who ordered them will be held accountable." and emphasized Russia's stance of pursuing war crimes.

In addition, a spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said on the 16th that he would conduct an on-site investigation, such as the circumstances under which people were buried.