Earlier in the autumn, random samples were taken of the water in about twenty of the municipality's sports facilities.

When the results came back, unhealthily high levels of legionella bacteria were found, which resulted in Tiundaskolan, Malmaskolan, Valsätraskolan, Ärentunaskolan and Eriksbergsskolan now being without shower facilities for their students.

The bacteria cause headaches

For Uppsala arenas and properties, which owns a number of the affected facilities, has now started work to analyze the reason behind the bacterial growth - and to find solutions going forward.

- We currently do not know why the legionella bacteria have grown so large, but we have a couple of theories, says Hanna Ljungberg, property manager at Uppsala arenas and properties.

In the clip: Hear the expert who early warned of legionella outbreaks - and join us inside one of the affected changing rooms.