It was late in the evening just over two weeks ago that the downpour-like rain came to Kastlösa on Öland.

On Göran Wilén's sloping field, the heavy rain caused his crops to literally roll down the field.

- The volume that has moved now is the volume of what a small town consumes in a year, says Göran.

Red and yellow onions were mixed

At the top of the slope, the red onion is grown.

When the rain hit the hill, the water carried the red onion down the slope.

The disaster was then a fact, the yellow and the red onion were mixed in a mess.

- There were enormous amounts of rain in a short time.

We think it is somewhere around 60 millimeters of rain within the space of 20 minutes.

Sorting by hand

The affected onion, which Göran estimates at just over 100 tons, is unharmed, but in order to sell the onion, it must be sorted.

- There is less of the red onion, which is why we have set out boxes in the field.

We have to sort the onions by hand, he says.

The potatoes were exposed

The situation is worse with the potatoes.

A few hundred meters from the onion field, Göran has his potato farm.

When the rains came, an estimated 25 percent of the crops were laid bare.

That potato turns green and cannot be resold as intended.

- It is approximately 130 tonnes of potatoes that are destroyed.

It's hard, but you just have to spit in your fists and make the best of it, says Göran.